Sunday 20 January 2019

Molehills and Miscellany

The last few weeks since my flurry of Otter sightings have been the humdrum week to week norm. Unusually mild few new species have been recorded on my patch and the activity at my camera trap has been low.

Small flocks of Siskin have started to appear and Goldcrests have been more prevalent as have the Kingfishers. I was lucky enough to spot one this morning on the backwater fishing. It was the distinctive plop sound of a failed dive that caught my attention first. I was able to track him to the far bank and watch him for a few minutes before a pair of squabbling Little Grebe startled us both.

I am always astounded by the vibrant blues on the head and wings.

On a funny note I discovered another use for my trail cam. When I collected the card this morning I noticed a fresh molehill in the field of view. By running through the images I was able to identify when it appeared and was able to ascertain that the mole pushed up the spoil between 12:05pm and 4:06pm on Sat 19th Jan. The movement itself was obviously too slow to trigger the camera itself but it certainly adds incentive to my photo a mole project, more of which in a future post.

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