Monday 1 January 2024

2023 - A patch round up

 So another year has been and gone, they are really starting to add up now. I started patch recording in 2002 and started getting good data in 2004. It means that I can start to see trends and patterns. 

I have so much data it takes time to process it all, it's taken me two days to process the Bird data from visits let alone my camera trail data. That project is on hold because Otter Cam is currently inaccessible due to flooding.

So how can I evaluate this year's recorded survey session on my patch, how about a series of numbers.

Number of Surveys: 49

Average length of survey: 77 minutes

Total time spent on the patch: 60.5 hours

In that time I recorded:

63 species of bird bringing my patch total to 93 species.

4 species of mammal

12 species of dragonfly

15 species of butterfly

Number of Bird Species each month

Number of Bird Species each year

Highlights this year are obviously the new species spotted namely Firecrest, Red Kite, and Great White Egret. 

Several species were not recorded at all but were relatively common:
Little Grebe (for the third year in a row)
Kestrel ! once a breeding species
Mistle Thrush

Of course my Roe Deer have provided me with endless enjoyment

Roe Deer

 Grey Squirrel

Sadly foxes seems to have become scarcer and I no longer think the Badger sett is occupied but I will no more once I have analysed the trail camera data.

So 2023 was a mixed bag, with some gains and some losses. Over the next few months, I will dig into the data a little more to explore more of the trends, starting probably with the Little Grebe that used to overwinter here.

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