Sunday 13 August 2017

Recent Camera Trap Sightings

With the change from my old Bushnell Camera Trap to the newer version, I have lost several weeks of data and I am still trying to obtain the best location height for it. At the moment the field of view on the new camera is smaller than the old one and so does not catch the animals quite as well as it used to. Tomorrow I am going to attempt lowering it a bit although this does present a risk...

On the whole, the animals are used to the camera as it is, they rarely concern themselves with it although occasionally making eye contact. Occasionally, however, some animals will take an interest a prime example occurred this week when an unknown animal, possibly a badger took a good sniff of the camera.

Still on Badgers, this week their activity increased a little and a possible cub was sighted. An interesting clip, shows a badger using its incredible sense of smell to locate food underground and then use its powerful claws to excavate the prey. It follows up by marking the site.

In other clips Half-Tail the Fox made a single appearance and 3 separate muntjacs have been identified. A small youngster, a full grown female and a full grown buck. All were seen separately and represent individuals, they are possibly a 'family' that post breeding have gone their separate ways.

Young Muntjac



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